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CDW RTU is a chute and dumpster wash that is specially formulated to clean and cut through tough grease and neutralize odors. CDW contains a heavy surfactant that clings to vertical and horizontal surfaces allowing for better dwell time and…

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AE 047 Dumpster Deodorizer

Dumpster Deodorizer is a clay-based granular deodorizer that contains a natural odor absorbent, an odor neutralizer, and citronella oil. Citronella oil  helps repel insects that hang around trash and waste receptacles. This product is easy to use, with minimal effort…

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AE 048 Python Socks

Python Socks are a unique mesh bag coated in a special oil-based formula for eradicating even the worst odors. Ideal for use in sewers, lift stations, wet wells, elevator shafts, dumpster areas, water treatment facilities, garbage collection areas, fire restoration,…

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AE 065 Caribbean Breeze

Summer Vacation In A Bottle! Caribbean Breeze is a super-concentrated deodorant product that removes organic odors and leaves behind a refreshing tropical fragrance. the long-lasting scent helps control malodors this powerful, long-lasting product is safe and easy to useu use…

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AE 083 Eco Air

Eco Air is an odor-eliminating fogger that contains a unique blend of probiotic microorganisms which eliminate the source of current odors. Eco Air leaves the room smelling fresh long after the initial cleaning. It also maintains an odor-eliminating effect on…

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AE 380 Fog Out Berry

Fog Out Berry is a super concentrated odor blocker with a pleasant berry fragrance. It controls unwanted odors in drains, grease traps, lift stations, drain lines, sewer lines, waste disposal sites, dumpsters, trash chutes, compactors, and garbage trucks. This highly…

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